Everything began with the 2009 creation of Bitcoin. It was the first of its kind, and many people supported the idea of currency decentralization. It quickly gained popularity, and its value increased to 20 thousand dollars in 2017.
It typically takes around ten minutes to mine a single block, which has a maximum capacity of one megabyte, making everything rather sluggish and limiting the number of transactions per second to 10. This has become a significant issue with scalability, and it turns out that it could have occurred with any coin that is widely used.

There are two perspectives on the blocksize debate: the big and small blockers. The first group believes that increasing the block size will resolve the issue. The latter prefer to work with off-chain transactions, believing that an increase in block size would make it harder to enter and assist with centralization and would be a temporary solution. Bitcoin Cash was created as a result of this. The process involved numerous opposing viewpoints. Deadal Nix, Jihan Wu, and Roger Ver were the primary creators.

What distinguishes Bitcoin Cash from Bitcoin?
Bitcoin's block size is limited to 1 megabyte (MB), whereas Bitcoin Cash's is customizable and starts at 8 megabytes. Although this permits more transactions, it necessitates more storage, preventing many participants. You'll need more storage and better hardware, both of which will cost more.

The mining algorithm The second significant distinction is related to the algorithm. In order to encourage more miners to join, the one for BCH is simpler. However, this tactic did not really work, resulting in unpredictable block times and people coming and going. The Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm was included as a result of this. The mining difficulty became more adaptable so that it could be more predictable.

Pros and cons To choose the best option, consider your objectives. You are concentrating on decentralization, public status, and the absence of required permissions with Bitcoin. But it's also slow and expensive.

In contrast, there are no scaling issues with Bitcoin Cash, which is fast and inexpensive. However, since only three pools contain half of the hashing power, we are unable to discuss actual decentalization here. Even BCH has a "CEO" who looks like Rick Falkvinge.
As you can see, there are benefits and drawbacks to both, so it depends on your focus.

What is in store for the future?
At the moment, the two technologies are actually at war. Both are attempting to bring the other down and acquire additional miners. When BCH was referred to as the "real Bitcoin," there was a significant disagreement. 

The propaganda was distributed by the government as well, shocking a lot of people and intensifying the conflict. Nobody really knows what cryptocurrency's future holds. It is also unclear how the debate over which technology is superior will be resolved. Avoid anyone who makes secure predictions about the future of cryptocurrencies. 

We are able to state that BCH has assisted in resolving the scalability issue, that the fees are low, and that transactions occur quickly. However, there are currently 10 times as many transactions made using Bitcoin. It's normal for fees to go up as the business gets bigger.

Can BCH rise to the top?
No one really knows if the two will continue to coexist or if only one will win in the end. Whether it's a good idea to invest in Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin, how their value will change, and many other questions spring to mind. Always do your homework in advance, set important goals, and choose the option that works best for you. Since this industry is not at all predictable, it will be interesting to see what happens in the future. #CRYPTOCURRENCY

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